Are You Ready to Embody your Divinity?

The world needs more women in their power. The healing and evolution of our planet is rooted in divine feminine medicine, guided by the cosmos and expressed in the unique divinity that is each and every one of us.

As The Celestial Mother it is my soul’s work to support women in claiming their intuition and soul gifts to serve them in pregnancy, birth, motherhood… and beyond.

A little about My Offerings…

Soul Blueprint reading

Your Astrological natal chart and Human Design bodygraph encapsulate the unique energy of the cosmos that your soul desires to express and manifest here on Earth. These two blueprints are both a map and a manual for embodying your most authentic self, and creating a life of ease, bliss and mastery.

A divine remembering and sacred permission slip to be the person your soul intended to be.

Starseed (child) Soul Blueprint Reading

Your child has a unique energetic anatomy, celestial psyche, intrinsic needs and gifts that they wish to express. 

I truly believe that if every parent was to understand their child from a Soul level, which is what this reading offers, we would see the transformation our planet is calling for.

Celestial Psychotherapy

This is a transformational session that utilises the power of a revolutionary psychotherapy modality, Psych-k, the higher perspective of your soul and energy body, through Human Design and Evolutionary Astrology; and the cycles of the cosmic transits.

Energetic Midwifery

**Please understand this is not a form of medical support or guidance. The term “Midwife” is meant in its traditional sense: to be with woman.

I am passionate to help support pregnant women reclaim birth as a spiritual rite of passage, to lead the journey with their intuition and commence Motherhood awakened to their divine feminine power.

Book an appointment

Jasmin, The Celestial Mother, is passionate about supporting women to know themselves and their children through their divine soul expression. Book a session to awaken to your soul’s blueprints, or release the limiting beliefs and stresses that are misaligning you from your sacred soul mission.

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